In this difficult time, perhaps, there are no such people who would not want to increase their immunity, get sick less often and protect themselves and their families from viruses and infections. At the same time, no one wants to poison their microflora with antibiotics, which have an even worse effect on the human immune system.
Portal Drtai.rf wants to tell you in detail about Fa-Talay-Jone (andrographis paniculata) – the best natural remedy for viruses, infections, flu and colds, as well as to increase immunity.
In our assortment you can buy Fa-Talay-Jone from leading Thai manufacturers and at the lowest prices.
Thanyaporn Herbs Fa Talay Jone (Fah-talay-jone) capsules
Thanyaporn Herbs Fah-Talay-Jone Tea Bags
Duangporn Fa Talai Jone (Fah-Talai-Jone) Capsules
Konkga Herb Fa-Talai-Jone capsules
Capsules Fa Talai John (Fa Talai Jone) from Abhaibhubejhr
What is Fa Talay Jon, and why is it a natural antibiotic?
The plant Andrographis paniculata has been used for hundreds of years by the people of Thailand and China. Unlike Europe, where Andrographis came everywhere only in the 60s of the 20th century, in the East and Asia, Andrographis paniculata has been known for a very long time and has been successfully used for many diseases and to strengthen immunity in both children and adults. Andrographis paniculata grows mainly in Southeast Asia – Vietnam, Thailand, China and India.
The leaves are very bitter, so the second name – “bile of the earth” fully justifies itself. There are more than 20 types of andrographis, but only a few are medicinal.
In Thailand, Andrographis has been considered a natural antibiotic for many hundreds of years. In the 20th and 21st centuries, a number of clinical studies have been carried out, the results of which have been published in numerous medical journals, which confirm the immunoprotective properties of Andrographis and its positive effect in the fight against colds and a number of diseases. Also, for several decades, Andrographis paniculata has been studied as a tool that can slow down the growth and development of cancer cells.
Fa Talay Jon and epidemics
It is known that Fa Talay Jon helped stop the epidemic of the terrible flu “Spanish flu”, which covered the countries of Europe and America in the 20th century and claimed millions of lives. In India, during the Spanish flu, people everywhere took andrographis. It is believed that, also due to its fame and accessibility, the number of deaths in India was incomparably less than the damage caused by the “Spanish flu” to Europe and America.
Now that the coronavirus has hit the world, Thais use Fa-Talay-Jon everywhere to prevent and treat COVID19. Whether it helps or not is impossible to formally prove, but the epidemic has bypassed Thailand.
The beauty of Andrographis paniculata is that it does not give any side effects. If you use conventional, synthetic cold medicines, then in addition to the beneficial effect, they adversely affect the immune system as a whole. Here it’s the other way around. It not only helps to cure the inflammatory process, but at the same time raises the patient’s immunity.
A US public health study using Andrographis paniculata in volunteers found that a 2-month course reduced the incidence of respiratory infections by 75%.
In addition to boosting immunity, Fa-Talay-Jon is widely used to treat a number of other diseases. It is also used in the treatment of HIV infections, in the treatment of cancer and even in tuberculosis.
The biological composition of the drug Fa-Talay-Jon
A natural antibiotic for immunity and for colds, it is obtained from the dried leaves of Andrographis paniculata. By cleaning, filtering and drying, a green powder is obtained, which is compressed into tablets or capsules. It has different names in different countries. In Thailand, it is known under the name – Fa-Talay-Jon.
In addition to boosting immunity, Fa-Talay-Jon is widely used to treat a number of other diseases. It is also used in the treatment of HIV infections, in the treatment of cancer and even in tuberculosis.
Antiviral and antibacterial action
Fa Talay John is one of the most promising bio-supplements today, a natural antibiotic. Since it has no side effects, it has been successfully clinically tested and really helps to develop stable immunity during cold and flu epidemics, as well as fight infections.
Indications for use
- influenza, tonsillitis, SARS, acute respiratory infections
- sinusitis, sinusitis
- upper respiratory infections
- herpes
- cough and bronchitis
- asthma
- immunosuppression
- prevention of infectious complications
- normalization of the immune status in the postoperative period
- herpes zoster
- shingles
- human papillomavirus
- with liver disease, jaundice
- individual intolerance to the components
- pregnancy, lactation and planned pregnancy, since Fa Talay Jon has a pronounced contraceptive effect.
- children’s age up to 7 years
- do not use capsules in conjunction with anticoagulant drugs
- while taking Fa Talay Jon along with drugs to reduce pressure, monitor the indicators to avoid too much reduction
For the treatment of colds, flu, sore throats, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections: as emergency therapy 6 capsules – the first dose, then 2-3 capsules 3 times a day after meals with water.
Can be used for children from 7 years of age, reducing the dose to 1 capsule 2-3 times a day.
For the prevention of seasonal viral diseases: 1-2 capsules 3 times a day after meals. Month course.
For the treatment of bronchitis: 3 capsules 2 times a day after meals for a month!
For the treatment of the liver: 2 capsules 3 times a day after meals with a glass of water. The course is two to four weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated, but with a mandatory monthly break.