Propolis capsules (1000 mg, 200 capsules)

935.00 ฿


A preparation of natural origin based on the waste product of bees – propolis. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial (against gram-positive bacteria), antipruritic and analgesic properties (causes analgesia of the mucous membranes and skin, reduces pain of the affected tissues), accelerates the process of regeneration and epithelialization of wound surfaces; stimulates metabolic processes.

юIt is effective both in the early stages and in the case of a developed purulent-necrotic process. Propolis not only inhibits the growth of viruses (herpes, papilloma virus, influenza, hepatitis virus), but is also able to prevent the development of viral infection in the body. Propolis not only affects microorganisms, but also enhances phagocytosis – the process of removing foreign material from the body due to special cells – phagocytes, which helps to reduce body poisoning. Propolis restores elasticity, strength and flexibility of connective tissue, inter-articular surfaces. This is, first of all, necessary for athletes, the elderly, people after injuries and during the growth of children: for the full value of tissue formation. Possesses anti-toxic properties. Propolis has unique anti-tumor and antioxidant properties.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg


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