Chlorophyll with apple extract and vitamin C

29.95 $


Chlorophyll with Vit C, Oligofructose and Apple Extract Powder

Chlorophyll powder with apple extract, fructose and vitamin C for the preparation of a green, healthy, immunostimulating and completely natural energy drink.

The package contains 30 packages, designed for a 30-day chlorophyll wellness course.

Chlorophyll is a green pigment in plants, a unique substance often referred to as the blood of plant life or concentrated and transformed solar energy.

Chlorophyll is indispensable for everyone who cares about maintaining their health, especially for people who are often ill and weakened, who do not get enough fresh air and lack sunlight.

Chlorophyll is rich in microelements – magnesium, nitrogen, vitamin K – and is a natural multivitamin supplement that has a tonic and rejuvenating effect, especially effective and necessary in the autumn-winter period.

Chlorophyll is taken :

  • As a tonic and  immune-boosting energy drink
  • With neurodermatitis, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis – taking chlorophyll  relieves skin inflammation
  • For the treatment and prevention of chronic respiratory diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • To increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood
  • For the prevention of oncological diseases – the role of chlorophyll in the prevention and treatment of intestinal cancer has been proven 
  • For diseases of the thyroid gland
  • To improve visual acuity

1 sachet for 1 day of admission contains:

  • Chlorophyll – 100 mg
  • Vitamin C – 67.5 mg
  • Fructose – 50 mg
  • Yalok extract – 10 mg

No dyes or preservatives, the bright green color is provided by chlorophyll (the green pigment of plants).

Reception method:

  • Pour 1 bag of chlorophyll powder with 1.5 liters of water, stir and drink the resulting bright green drink from chlorophyll throughout the day.
  • Store the drink at room temperature.

Made in Thailand, manufacturer website

Additional information

Weight 0.08 kg


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